In our first video series, Jaime Lopez, SHRM-CP, SovranHR’s Director of HR discusses three things that will allow your organization to successfully attract and retain Generation Z Talent.

Why is this important? For the first time ever, we have five different generations in the workforce. Generation Z includes people between the ages of 11 and 26, and it is estimated that they will make up a third of the workforce by 2025! To sustain a strong and productive team, it is important that organizations embrace the diversity and value of this young workforce.

How can your organization align itself in such a way to attract this Generation Z workforce?


A Right Mindset

A strong organization that truly embraces diversity will value what the Generation Z employee has to offer and what they will bring to the organization – they will want that for their teams. For example, according to an article from Indeed, Generation Z employees are digital natives that expect to work with modern technology. As new technology continues to emerge, smart organizations will want to have a tech-savvy team.


Is your organization attractive to the Generation Z employee? This is where knowledge comes into play. According to the Great Place to Work, Generation Z employees are looking for five things in an organization that they would feel comfortable to call their home. Those five things are:

1. An organization that prioritizes diversity

2. Pay that shows them that they’re valued

3. Robust employee wellness programs

4. An organization that encourages and takes action on employee feedback

5. A strong onboarding process that makes employees feel welcomed

Again, leaders need to learn what the Generation Z employee is looking for and ensure that their employees feel valued all throughout their employee life cycle.


With the right mindset and insight, an organization can successfully attract and retain Generation Z talent. During the interview and recruiting process, show the Generation Z employee that your organization is a great fit for them. Highlight the benefits and perks you offer and connect these with the values of your candidate(s).

But what if your organization has room for opportunities? Take action now to implement a strategy using the tips we discussed that will help your organization attract and retain the Generation Z employee.

SovranHR is ready to help you build and implement a strategy that will allow your team to grow stronger and more productive.


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